White Wolf – The Email Reader
Software to communicate and handle email servers, using POP3, in a friendly and simple UI. In fact, this software allows many email functionality. The main difference betwen White Wolf and other software nowadays is the support for pluggins which allows you to do more than the basic functions, improving our support fields and enhancing the possibilites for our clients. Each plugins executes by itself and don’t interfere with others plugins.
- Current Version: 0.6
- Supported Languages:
- Communication by POP3 protocol
- Support to SSH ( Secure Shell )
- Able to handle multiple emails accounts
- Plugin system
Supported Pluggins
- Execution of Files: Created with the objective to execute other programs after the download of some types of files.
To Do
- NFE XML ( Documents ) Validation: Download the xml sent by email, validate the structure and verify the status with the SEFAZ, brazilian validation server.
- Transport Documents XML validation: Download the xml sent by email, validate the structure and verify the status with the SEFAZ, brazilian validation server.
- IMAP Support