Game of the hangman, a very popular game in Brazil where you need to guess the right letters and find out which word is there. This Game, launched in 2015, is made to work on smartphones and Tables, this games works with IOS, from Apple; and Android, from Google. It’s free-to-play where the player receive coins every right word gives some coins that can be used to play again, remove the last letter or get another hint. Another feature is that the game has integration with the makor ad system for apps on the market and bring random ads to display every 3 right word; and the player can buy new coins to help inside the game.
This project was made for the company App Appeal where we made all the Game Design and the development. In this way, just the design and art was requested to another team.
Technology: PhoneGap e Javascript
- Integration with ads networks
- Integration with Apple Store and Google Play
- Free-to-Play
- Coins for new Trys, tips and erase the last letter
- Works with IOs and Android