Hess Uptime Panel
Page created with the objective to monitor all Hess Latam machines in field today, this panel works almost in real time getting all status and check if this is working well. That interface reorganize itself when any machine change the status, making all the offline and without connection to show at the first part.
The status of all machines, was did in 2 ways, on the old systems, the software gets it by webservices, getting all the current information from them and allowing some automatized functions, for example, reboot when the machine is offline for sometime; And in the most recent machines, a client / server software was responsible for checking the machines status in real time, control in a better way of all machines functions and download of all machines logs. Both software, client and server, was created by me.
Current Version: 2.0
Technology: PHP, Javascript, Jquery, CSS, HTML, WebServices e Jobs
- Monitor in Real Time of all Machines
- Job Process
- Using of Ajax to update the screen without reload it
- Filter by client
- Direct communication using client and server software; and webservice
- Control and remote commands using a web interface
- Download and process of machines logs